You’re wanting something fun, something exciting, for your guests to remember. You want something that is going to captivate your audience. How can you create an emotion of excitement that will extend from you to your guests? You might want this during your first kiss, first dance, last dance, grand entrance, or grand exit. It’s Cold Sparks.
How do you feel when you watch fireworks? It’s exciting, right? Or when you’re at a concert and they are shooting sparks in their air. It’s a thrill.
Most venues will not allow fireworks inside, but they will allow cold sparks. What are cold sparks and how are we able to use them at venues?
Cold Sparks machines we use work by heating granules of titanium and zirconium powder to create glowing sparks, before quickly cooling them to a safe temperature. The sparks keep their glow even when cold, thus producing a safe and non-flammable special effect.
It’s non-flammable. You can put your hand over the effect. They can be placed relatively close to your guests, allowing them to truly enjoy the effect from their seats.
If you do order Cold Sparks, please confirm your venue allows them. The individual requirements for permits and licensing vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Not all cities and venues are the same.
Graingertainment provides Cold Sparks! Interested in having Cold Sparks at your event? Reach out at